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What To Expect When You Visit The Church

Many people say, I intend to visit the church of Christ sometime. Some have put it off simply because of a dread of going into an unfamiliar place, not knowing what to expect. We would like to introduce ourselves and let you know what to expect when you do visit the Church of Christ.

You Will Not Be Embarrassed

When you visit us, you will be a respected guest. We speak our convictions with kindness and courtesy. You will not be insulted or embarrassed in our midst. Our assembly is not an unrestrained display of emotion or excitement; but a simple devout period of worship. We gather to sing, study and pray together.

There will be no high-pressure methods used to influence you in any way, and no embarrassing moments that will make you wish you had not come. You will not be made to feel out of place at any of our services.

Our Worship Is Simple

All of our worship is simple. Our music is composed of acappela singing and everyone is encouraged to participate. Our prayers are fervent appeals to God. Our sermons are Christ-centered, Bible-filled, and designed to be understandable, in order to teach and encourage those in attendance. Anyone desiring to become a Christian is afforded an opportunity at each assembly. However no one will go about the audience singling people out, asking them to stand or urging anyone to go forward. Our services are not designed to embarrass anyone, but rather to teach the Bible to all who come to sing and pray together.

Contributions are made on Sunday by members of the congregation to support the work of the church. Visitors may give but are under no obligation to do so. The Lord's Supper is observed by Christians every Sunday as instituted by Jesus (Matthew 26:26-28). It is a memorial supper of the Lord's death (1 Corinthians 11:24-25). Unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine symbolize the body and blood of Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:16).

The church of Christ exists to please God and to serve one another in pleasing God .

We Are Striving To Be A Congregation That Is Non-Denominational.

Striving to maintain the organization, doctrine and worship of the New Testament church. The term church of Christ (Romans 16:16) is not used as a denominational designation but rather as a descriptive term indicating that the church belongs to Christ.

With No Creed But The Bible

Exalting only Jesus Christ as the head of the church and His Gospel as the only source of authority and doctrine.

With Only A Bible Name

Just a local congregation of people who call themselves Christians, and who wish to be one of the churches of Christ as mentioned in Romans 16:16.

That Does Not Exalt Men

Our preachers wear no distinguishing title or dress. Christ is to have preeminence in the church which is His body, (Colossian 1:18).

Whose members Recognize Their Weaknesses and need for Christ.

Members realize their own personal weaknesses, but they believe in the all-sufficiency and perfection of Christ's plan for His church, as revealed in the New Testament. We earnestly strive to uphold and proclaim only New Testament Christianity.

That Pleads For Bible Unity

In 1 Corinthians 1:10, the apostle Paul exhorts "...that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no division among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought." Members of the body of Christ today are striving for unity based on the Bible's teachings alone.

The Bible is the Final Word!

Are You Looking for a Church That Teaches the Gospel Plan of Salvation?

When Peter preached the Gospel on Pentecost 33AD, those believers who repented and were baptized for the remission of sins were added by the Lord to His church (see Acts 2:38-41, 47). This was no temporary measure, but it is Christ's plan for the salvation of men today, as well as in the first century.

That Focuses On Worship

Our Services are conducted in a simple, spiritual way following only the New Testament pattern. We encourage people today to look for spiritual edification and enlightenment, rather than entertainment.

That Invites Investigation

We have no loyalty to creeds or traditions, and welcome the help of any who can show us how to follow Christ more closely.

We hope you will visit us soon and often!

  • Hits: 181386

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Sunday, October 20, 2024 26

By: Mike Riley

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