By: Andy Baker
The popular children’s song depicts the familiar illustration by Jesus in Matthew 7:24-27 of the Sermon on the Mount. Two men were building houses – a wise man and a foolish man. The difference between them: One heard the teachings of Jesus and did them, while the other heard them, and did not do them (Matt. 7:24, 26). Consider for a moment the things that a truly wise man does in building his spiritual house:
The wise man uses a solid foundation. Many things such as money, fame, strength, and teachings of other wise men give the appearance to be solid foundations (Jer. 9:23). However, to this wise man, he knows that there is but one foundation that will withstand the storms of life and the storms of Judgment (Matt. 7:25). He knows that there is “no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 3:11). As the authority of Christ is the foundation for this astute individual (Col. 3:17), he also knows that slab repair will never be necessary.
Read more: The Wise Man Built This House
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