I Long to See Your Glory

I long to see your glory Lord,
It comes to mind each day.
To see you coming in the clouds,
To hear the trumpet voice proclaimed.

The time is here, He has returned
Confirming truths that He revealed,
When He walked as man on earth,
Now every knee will bow to Him!
We know that every eye will see,
We know that every ear will hear,
The trumpet call, the voice of God,
Will you be filled with joy or fear!
Behold the Lamb of God has come,
He who redeemed us has returned!
Will be the thought of Christians all
When Christ returns to give the call!
His glory will be seen by all,
Praise proclaimed for all to see!
He bore the bloody crown and cross!
He is the bridge from God to man!
But most men do not heed his call,
Instead they live their lives in sin.
He’s come so far to take us home,
To the place prepared for you and me.
But all God’s saints since time began
Will join our Lord there in the air,
While mighty angels, millions strong,
Take vengeance on ungodly men!
The former things will pass away,
No sorrow, death or tears to fall!
He then will make all things new,
His words will stand faithful and true!
I long to see your glory Lord,
And stand before your throne!
Then through your grace I know I’ll hear
Well done my child, and welcome home!
Stephen Ray Armstrong

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Recent Bulletin Articles

Sunday, March 09, 2025 18

By: Kevin Cauley


Two defining characteristics of Christ living within us are loving God and loving our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). This is fundamental to good human interaction. Paul tells us that without love, all our efforts amount to nothing, even if we could perform the greatest of feats. “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
