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Our Trials Work “For Us”

By, Mike Riley

Is there something that seems to be working against us today — time, health, money, opportunity, people? Sometimes it’s easy to feel that everything and everyone is against us. We know we’re supposed to trust God, but it’s difficult to understand why He would allow our circumstances to become so difficult and confusing.

In 2 Corinthians 4:17, the apostle Paul gives us a fresh look in looking at the role our difficulties play. He emphasizes a single phrase in a familiar passage:

Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

We think our afflictions are working against us, but God says they are working “for us.” They are producing a glory that will last forever. Compared to our trials, the glory is always greater. That’s why we should never lose heart (2 Corinthians 4:16).

From God’s perspective, our deepest disappointments and sorrows are “but for a moment.” It’s difficult for us to accept this while we are in the midst of our trials, but we can trust the word of our kind and loving heavenly Father.

To this writer, it’s amazing to know that God can take the things that seem to be “against us” and cause them to work “for us.” By faith, let us embrace His perspective today.

One little hour to suffer scorn and losses,
Eternal years beyond earth’s cruel frowns;
One little hour to carry heavy crosses,
Eternal years to wear unfading crowns
. —Anonymous

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