Thoughts to Live By

By: Mike Riley

Take 20 minutes by yourself at the beginning of each day. Live above small troubles by losing yourself in big, worthwhile things.

Grow every day: Life is a game — keep your eye on the ball rather than on the scoreboard. Have the power to see things through; keep remembering that most accomplishments are 3/4 drudgery and 1/4 joy.

Alternate your interests. It is better to be busy than bored. Balance your life with work, play, love, and worship

 Be gracious to others; do kind deeds beyond the call of duty; and remember that every person is fighting a battle.

Work and cooperate with God, praying that God will do something “through” you rather than “for” you.

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Recent Bulletin Articles

Sunday, February 09, 2025 31

By: Andy Baker

 Praise God that He is not absent from this world. In fact, He has created all of us with the purpose that man “should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him…” (Acts 17:27). You and I are built with an instinct seeking God to know Him, but the last part of Acts 17:27 is most encouraging, “though He is not far from each one of us.”

 God has not left us as “babes in the woods” but freely reassures us that
