Five Tools to Improve Your Prayer Life

By: Mike Riley

  Tool #1: Practice

We are commanded to pray (1 Thess. 5:17; Phil. 4:6). If it is something Christians are expected to do, then getting in and doing it is important! A prayer must not be long or eloquent to be effective (Neh. 5:19; Matt. 6:7-8; Luke 18:9-14). Maturing in prayer life will find us developing the discipline of prayer so that we turn to God first in our lives when joys or sorrows or anything prevails (Jas. 5:13; 1 Pet. 5:6-7).

Tool #2: Pattern

Studying the prayer life of Jesus or some of the great heroes of faith like David, Nehemiah, Daniel, or Paul help in the who, what, when, where, why, and how of prayer. Nehemiah was skilled in seamlessly weaving prayers into his daily work in big and small challenges (Neh. 5:19). Pray while driving, cooking, working, etc. Withdraw, reflect, meditate, and worship Him! 

Tool #3: Posture

Sometimes the standard posture, “let us bow our heads and close our eyes” can be more of a hinderance than it can a help. Sometimes when David prayed, he laid prostrate on the ground (2 Sam. 12:15-16). Some stood, some knelt, while others sat (Dan. 6:10; 1 Kings 19:4; Acts 20:6; Neh. 8:4-6). Jesus often looked up towards heaven (Mark 6:41). When praying privately, there is wisdom in considering these other prayer postures.

Tool #4: Planning

Jesus would, in the busyness of life, often retreat by Himself and spend time with His Father in prayer (Mark 1:35; 14:35; 5:16; 9:18). Daniel made a habit of praying three times a day to the point that his enemies knew his prayer life was a constant in his life (Dan. 6:10). For someone wanting to improve his/her prayer life: set an alarm on the phone or on the computer, retreat away from the daily grind, and plan to spend scheduled, meaningful time talking to Our Father in heaven.

Tool #5: Program

What do I pray for? I would pray, but I don’t know what to say! For folks like these, begin with the question Jesus asked blind Bartimaeus, “What do you want Me to do for you” (Mark 10:51)? What pressing concerns can God address? What weights can God lighten? Bible reading and praying scripture to God is a great program as well. As a practical note, “Echo” is a free prayer app that a person can list their personal prayer requests and the app will keep those for remembering throughout the day (See Tool #4).  

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Sunday, March 09, 2025 19

By: Kevin Cauley


Two defining characteristics of Christ living within us are loving God and loving our neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). This is fundamental to good human interaction. Paul tells us that without love, all our efforts amount to nothing, even if we could perform the greatest of feats. “And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing” (1 Corinthians 13:1-3).
